play backward index mystery
Words Matter

The True Story of the Backward Index

These people needed a computer

There it sits, hidden in plain view on a set of shelves in the basement of the Merriam-Webster offices: the Backward Index. But why would anyone type out 315,000 words spelled in reverse?

Up next

play backward index mystery
The True Story of the Backward Index


These people needed a computer

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Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice?


The awkward case of 'his or her'

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How a Ghost Word Appeared in the Dictionary


An imaginary word that snuck into the dictionary

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Its vs. It's


Some practical guidance, and interesting history, about a common mistake.

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'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'?


We're gonna stop you right there

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A Look at Uncommon Onomatopoeia


Some imitative words are more surprising than others

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Ending a Sentence with a Preposition


An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with.